Tutorials tagged mobile

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54 tutorials with this tag
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This easy step by step tutorial is only for Beginners and for those who are fighting with errors for Facebook Integration . So this could be a start. Once you t...

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APK Signer - Web Tutorial
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Tutorial: Shatter-Box - APK Signer. If you stuck feel free to send me PM. I don't get notifed about comments here, so it's better if you send me a PM. Thanks!

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This tutorial will show you how to implement the Admob Ads Object. I used to implement the CocoonJS Object so I could use the Ludei Cloud Compiler and integrate...

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Screenshot sharing - iOS & Android
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In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to take a screenshot, save it and share it with iOS and android's native share function. For of an example on how thi...

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How to install Cranberry's Google Play Games plugin
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I've searched for a good solution myself when I had this problem, and after solving it I've gotten a lot of messages of people asking how I did it, so instead o...

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I have a better tutorial on this subject here: Link. By drawing from many different advertising platforms and putting them into one platform, they create signif...

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One Finger Games, Touch Controls
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Most mobile games, for example action-adventure-exploring style of games, use on screen controls that require both hands as a mean to imitate the function of ga...

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Simplest Appodeal Tutorial: High eCPM (Earning) Ads
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Check them out: Here. I use Appodeal with much success, here are their average eCPM's: Banner - $1.23 eCPM! Interstitial - $5.24 eCPM! Video - $6.03 eCPM! I use...

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Multi Touch Movement Controls
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This tutorial will teach you how to make touch movement controls where horizontal swiping on one side of the screen controls the movement of the character, and...

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endless jumps
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Make Hi, in this tutorial we'll see how I made endless jumping game. With a little imagination you can make a fun game. Here you have the basic pieces that I us...

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