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I want to make a randomizer that has global variables and uses an or statement. For Example: Red = 0. Green = 0. Blue = 0. Then I want the programming to be som...

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I have problems with my cameras. What can I do about it?
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So I watched tutorials about how you program a camera for a side scrolling 2D platformer and even tho I exactly did it like the people in the videos, I just won...

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How do I make an option to return to current layout?
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I am working a detective game, which involve having a notebook and finding clues. It's for mature people so expect blood and other stuff. So about. The problem...

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Lately I've been wondering, since I've learned to do more and more complex things in Construct 3, and I want to make complete and long-to-finish games, like a r...

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Construct 3 built-in JavaScript Library
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I love that Construct 3 has introduced the ability to write scripts in JS. It's a great opportunity to increase the complexity of the project. But I've noticed...

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How do I get the codebase (code base) for my game?
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Once my game is finished, I may need to submit the code base of the entire game. Where can I find this code base, or how do I find it?

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