Is something wrong in the Arcade right now?

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  • Just posted a new game in the arcade and it was working but now it seems like it just goes black when using chrome. When using IE it is playable after an ad loads but in chrome there is no ad. I didn't place any ads in the game.

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  • Just posted a new game in the arcade and it was working but now it seems like it just goes black when using chrome. When using IE it is playable after an ad loads but in chrome there is no ad. I didn't place any ads in the game.

    As far as I'm aware, the Arcade is working fine. I've just tested a random couple of games and they both worked correctly.

    Did you check any other games?

    Is it just yours that seems to glitch?

    It would help if you'd said what your game is - name and url - so we can test it for ourselves.

  • I guess you clicked "promote game" and are using adblock.

    That's a "known issue", disable adblock and the game will load as intended.

  • I guess you clicked "promote game" and are using adblock.

    That's a "known issue", disable adblock and the game will load as intended.

    You are correct. Maybe the ads don't start showing up until you get a certain number of views or something? No big deal to me but a bummer that some people probably had no idea and couldn't enjoy it. Only a few told me about it, but I'm sure many more just didn't bother.

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