Disconnect between website and product / audience / pricing?

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  • Hey, Scirra! Huge fan of your product so I hope this post is perceived as helpful. That's how it is intended. :-)

    I'm 61 years old and I've worked in the games industry since 1984, mostly as a Game Designer though my last job was Head of Game Design at a large F2P company. Now that I'm semi-retired I'm excited to use Construct 3 to make my OWN games! Since I have a vested interest in your success I just wanted to pass along some thoughts on what I perceive as a disconnect between your website and your product / audience / pricing.

    Your website has a fairly simple design, with lots of bright primary colors and cartoony iconography. If I didn't know better I would guess that C3 was a tool to teach kids and hobbyists about game design. I'd also assume a reasonable one time purchase price.

    But, in my opinion, your fairly expensive monthly pricing is at odds with the kids and hobbyists market. I feel like the developers who could justify your prices are professionals who make HTML5 games and other content for a living. If this is the case, then shouldn't the website be designed more for THOSE folks?

    Construct 3 seems like a perfect tool for game designers, artists, and other professionals to quickly and easily make games, playable ads, apps, etc. (I say "professionals" because, again, it's hard to justify the high monthly costs if there is NOT the possibility to recoup some or all of that money.)

    I can't speak for all of us professionals, but I wish your website looked more... serious.

    I love your tool so much that I recommend it to friends and colleagues all the time, but I think a lot of them get to the website and think, "Oof. For that kind of money I want something more... professional looking."

    Just my .02.

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