the addon exchange needs clean up

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  • The addon exchange is filled with a lot of addons that don't work at all with modern Construct 3 anymore or the addons features are build in now. But because a lot of the addon developers are not active anymore the addons were never marked deprecated.

    This leads to the issue that new awesome addons are buried (there recently is a large activity in development of new 3rd party addons). Secondly it makes it difficult to find addons that work and can make the addon exchange feel like a ghost town.

    My suggestion would be that there is some kind of cleanup done on the addon exchange to mark addons as deprecated that don't work anymore.

    I'm not sure what the best course of action would be, but I think this should be adressed in some way.

    Because it would be a bit of work to go through the addons this could be helped with the community compiling a list of broken addons. Alternatively addons that haven't been updated for x years could be automatically marked as deprecated unless the addon developer takes action.


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