<img src="http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/222665_1763322758013_1087413243_31705964_2170482_n.jpg">
I found some actual border patrol tape on something at work, so I did the next logical thing with it - put it on my head.
<img src="http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/216265_1620535884871_1580659773_31193629_307590_n.jpg">
Don't like the editing , makes my mouth and chin look REALLY weird.
And nose.
Self-portrait I drew way back in January 2011.
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2982005/self_portrait_january_12_2011_by_partymetroid_small.jpg">
I should draw another one soon.
I normally don't post pictures of myself on forums, but this one is just too awesome:
<img src="http://photos-1.dropbox.com/i/l/BqeC6srY2QHG9RbjkbePO-24muSLIWJ03Lo3nvzX0O4/1304063/1307365200/348e872">
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/30590854/222597_205607719462347_100000393600112_605815_6064272_n.jpg">
Here I am
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/30590854/78.jpg">
This is more like my profile picture, lol
You've got the url wrong on your images there. They're not showing up.
If you're using dropbox, you can just right click the picture in your public folder and select "Copy public link" to get the right url.
Images stored in the 'Photos' can't be shared, you should store them in the Public folder.
Right now, only you can probably see those images since you've logged in your Dropbox account.
Fixed the link to the photo
The image doesn't show - https!
And now?
Your photos folder isn't public, and that's not a public link. Put your picture in your public folder and use the right-click menu to "Get public link" from Windows.
And there was me thinking deadeye posted a pic of himself..
<img src="http://cs4952.vkontakte.ru/u3168765/136471098/x_6b787208.jpg" border="0" />
That's me 2 months ago.
NugMan: You remind me of eh....myself... :D
Here's me :
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5811650/Pics/pic.jpg" border="0" />
My hair don't usually look like tentacles like in this one :)