DECAY - a construct competition starting December 1st

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Can the game be partially completed?

    To clarify: you would still have time till January 10th to complete your entry. However you'll have to sign up for this compo until December 1st. There's no joining in late during the runtime of the competition itself.

    My friend and I are working on a game with, GASP, zombies (originality at its finest). There's probably going to be some decay in intelligence, too... though I'm not sure if that in and of itself with validate this game for the contest.

    ANYWAY, as soon as we get some art assets, and confirm with him as to whether I can enter us in (this is, after all, a group effort), I'll start a thread.

    You can almost assuredly count me in.

    ... Almost.

    Sounds like fun! Would be great if you joined the compo!

  • count me in seeing as ive already started my entry

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  • great theme, count me in

  • im sort of slightly unsure about one thing though. do we have to have the game completed before december 1st? do we need to have something to show on december 1st? or is this simply the day the compo begins, and people can start entering there stuff/sign up there game until the compo deadline which would be january 10th or something? or do we need to say were entering by December 1st, and have until the deadline to work on it?

  • im sort of slightly unsure about one thing though. do we have to have the game completed before december 1st? do we need to have something to show on december 1st? or is this simply the day the compo begins, and people can start entering there stuff/sign up there game until the compo deadline which would be january 10th or something? or do we need to say were entering by December 1st, and have until the deadline to work on it?

    I guess it comes across a little confusing. You don't have to have anything done for now. It's just that you should sign up until Dec 1st. In order to do so, just create a thread as described. You can include as much info as you like. And as you are creating your entry, you can keep ppl updated about your progress inside that thread. So the competition would be sort of interesting to spectators along the whole runtime.

    1. Dec official start of the compo. You should have signed up by creating a thread about your project by then. Maybe there's no point in being a nazi about this though...

    January 10th the compo ends. Entries as complete or incomplete as they are need to be uploaded and linked in the game thread until then.

    If there are any additional questions, suggestions, objections or whatever feel free to post!

  • yea definitely dont be a nazi about it, its a bit unclear and you'd want people to be able to join during the compo if they wanted to wouldn't you?

  • For me it would be ok to enter middle of compo but it's always better and more organized if you would do it before 1st Dec. But well i'm not the boss of this compo I'm just humble sponsor and judge

  • Would love to join, but I'll be in a 3rd world country without a home computer on the 1st of December

    Hope this isn't a one off event!

  • I'm always in a 3rd world country!

    *with* a computer though.

  • lol Madster and you will never get out of there:P Cuz if you would the balance in world would do EPIC FAIL and then Earth disappears and becomes a blackhole which eats Sun and then everything goes KAboom -.-

  • then prepare yourself coz I'm getting out XD

  • NOOO!!!!! NEIN!!!!! EIIIIIII!!!

  • A little reminder:

    If you're going to participate please make a thread about your entry until December 1st (or as soon as feasible). It's not really mandatory anymore, but it would be nice to follow the progress of the games a little along the runtime and to get a vague idea of the number of entries too.

    Looking forward to some cool games!

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