Video Capture Software

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  • Hey guys, I need a vIdeo capture software that can record smoothly. I already tried CamStudio, Screenr, NHC or something like it and Camtasia.

  • Hey guys, I need a vIdeo capture software that can record smoothly. I already tried CamStudio, Screenr, NHC or something like it and Camtasia.

    Well if you have tried those and haven't found them to record "smoothly" have you thought about looking at your computer's specs?

    Camtasia Studio in my opinion is probably THE best screen recording software out there, if not, it's most definitely one of the top three. When I use it, it records perfectly fine.

    Sometimes depending on your settings when you render out your recording it can look a little choppy but that is due to compressing the file size down and such.

    What are you trying to record?

  • Patriick when I m using camtasia game playing is good no lag but then try to watch what I record it the video has lags

    Is there a way to fix this ?

    By the way, I am trying record node-webkit desktop game 1366*768 resolution .

    edit: I also try to record Isaac it has lags too I think my options wrong

    should I decrease my pc resolution that is 1920 1080 ? I have 8gb ram and 2 gb graphic card

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  • Fraps is free for upto 30 seconds of fine for me...

  • pixel perfick I just download and try fraps and it works fine :D thanks a lot for replies

  • pixel perfick I just download and try fraps and it works fine :D thanks a lot for replies

    I didn't realize you were trying to record gameplay :P

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