Proffessional Artist looking for Developer Partner

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  • Good Evening.

    I'm a professional artist working on my first game project.

    I'm looking for someone to help me do the development on a game I've been working on.

    Someone with a little experience, patience and passion.

    I'm a starving Artist so I cannot pay the person working on the project with me, but I hope to put the game on Google play and related platforms. Obviously I'm willing to share all if any profits 50/50.

    I'm also willing to help out said developer with art on any projects they are working on Pro Bono.

    I'm going on leave from about the 10th of December till early January. I plan to spend my holiday working on this project full steam.

    Here is some concept art. There is pages and pages and spreadsheets more of this LOL. So yeah there is quite a bit of it and the game dynamics (not the coding) has been worked out in detail. I have created over 40 characters.

    (I've also attached a completed character I made for another project to show workmanship.)

    If you are interested and would like to know more about the project, give me a shout out sandybeefree(at)gmail(dot)com

  • Hello , i'm a 2D/3D game artist and also experienced with C2 programming logic blocks , maybe i can help you with this , but we are a team of 5 persons 2 programmers , 1 composer , 1 writer , and 1 3D artist , we are looking for 2d artists to work together on a nice promessing project.

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  • socialpilgrim

    I'm new here so I do not have enough credit to PM you. Please PM me a way to get in touch with you. I can send you detailed schematics.

  • Sandybee sent mail, please check.

  • Thank you, I'm responding.

  • ryanhagz

    Thank you for responding as per my previous post, please give me a way to get hold of you, I'm new here and still working hard to get my reputation up, pity about the Pirate Princess, lolz.

    Anyways, regarding the idea for the game. I was and still am a little nervous posting the full concept, and I know the art as above is not really well... enticing.

    So I'm going to make a post in the game development "crafting" section explaining the concept in full (caution to the wind, this is my first game after all.) I also intend to hopefully soon display some properly crafted game assets.

    FYI, I'm NOT looking for someone to build the game for me, I want to be Hands On, but I realize that I'm a total idiot when it comes to game logic. I'm also still learning to work with the construct 2 interface. I basically just want to enjoy the game making process as part of a team, a Harry to my Sally.

    PS I can make websites also. Very skilled in HTML CSS3, a dash of Jquery and a very limited amount of PHP. (Dreamweaver and no, no, no I do not use the Design view function on there ever ever ever!!)

    I also use the Adobe suit. Strongest skill is Illustrator, with PS a close second.

  • Sandybee check your messages I replied.

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