[Paid Work] Construct 3 Programmer

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  • 3 posts
From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Our client is looking for a programmer familiar with creating exporting and managing HTML5 games using the latest version of Construct Engine.

    The game is in the puzzle / virtual escape room genre and will require someone confident in:

    Puzzle prototyping

    UI and interface

    Implementation of graphics, animation and music

    Building robust Construct programs that are modular and scalable.

    Deploying a game in a professional way and having a robust approach to testing and bug fixing.

    Must Have:

    Ability to understand scope, plan work, articulate their approach and meet deadlines

    Ability to code in ways that are smart, efficient and scalable within a team

    Someone who enjoys finding creative solutions to problems and trying new ways of doing things.

    Strong communication skills

    Nice To Have:

    Familiarity working with Construct inside Github

    Ability to use Javascript within Construct

    Backend web development experience, specifically using Firebase and implementing Real-time Database functions inside Construct

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi QFinds,

    Feel free to get in contact with me to discuss your project in detail.

    My website is:


    And here you can see some of my old project, including one puzzle game (Mahjong):

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    I can provide you more info about other projects made for customers, but I can't share here details because they are under NDA.

    Thank you

  • Hi,

    I have years of experience with C2 and C3, I made over 100 mini games for clients and for my studio, and a few full features on Steam.

    You can read more about me here:


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