[LOOKING FOR] Narrator & Pixel artist animator

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From the Asset Store
Per Pixel Destruction like in "Worms" (perfect performance, no third party plugins)
  • Good evening,

    I am a student and indie developer who recently released his first mobile game on the Google Play Store. You can find my work here : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.endlesspixels.birdytrip

    Currently about to complete my Master's degree in Business & Data Analytics, I am about to be hired as UA & Monetization Manager in a hypercasual video game studio. However, I intend to continue the development of casual pixel art games which are a real passion for me. Beyond the pleasure of inventing game ideas and designing them, I also want them to be profitable. I will therefore develop my knowledge in acquisition very soon through concrete professional experience in order to optimize the promotion and income of my future games.

    I am now looking for a narrator (English mandatory, French is a plus) and a pixel artist specializing in animation for two different projects on mobile: a storytelling game and a platformer, still in the casual universe.

    For more information regarding game projects, please contact me by email (thomascollin1009@outlook.fr) or add me on Discord (Thomas C.#1972) to discuss more easily.

    Regarding the remuneration, it is planned to share the future income from the games, so it is not a paid/freelance work (the percentage of income will be discussed according to your wish or not to invest equally in the advertising budget when the game is released).

    Thank you in advance for reading and looking forward to meet talented and passionate people 🙂

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