fireche first off you say its easy to build an inventory with array , then you say its too much work for someone to help build a full inventory. well if everyone actually didn't make half *** tutorials and did a step by step for fully working inventory, i wouldn't be here. I have seen many long tutorials that show alot of work so dont tell me anything is too much work. If someone wants to, they can create as big of a tutorial as they can. Its people that like you who are lazy acting like you know it all.... everythings easy..... and making it sound like i'm dumb. I am in the dark on these subjects so be my mentor and teach and that way it might help everyone
YES- I see your way of using the ARRAY, I understand how ARRAYS are used
NO- I dont understand JSON's or AJAX, I dont understand alot of other things that need to get to where i need to be
so if anyone here who wants to touch on a subject that will help me learn please feel free to add to the know how, i think it would be cool if we had this thread as a full tutorial of an inventory. i'm not mad at anyone i simply just want help and nobody to hold back even if its alot of work to educate. you dont have to sit and type or tell me everything all at once i dont expect to have all the information right away. just feed a lil bit at a time