Hi, I'm a 2D Graphic Design Artis (Cartoon) for hire

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From the Asset Store
Over 1700 16x16 pixel art RPG icons for item and skills
  • More Art Works :

    2D Cartoon Art Work Game Assets Service :

    I can work on fixed price (based on my $14 per hour rate estimate), I do need a list of the assets to calculate.

    You can email me at oryzano (at) gmail (dot) com for more details.

  • More Art Works :

    2D Cartoon Art Work Game Assets Service :

    I can work on fixed price (based on my $14 per hour rate estimate), I do need a list of the assets to calculate.

    You can email me at oryzano (at) gmail (dot) com for more details.

  • Do you also make logos?

  • Amazing artwork !

  • More Art Works :

    2D Cartoon Art Work Game Assets Service :

    I can work on fixed price (based on my $14 per hour rate estimate), I do need a list of the assets to calculate.

    You can email me at oryzano (at) gmail (dot) com for more details.

  • More Art Works :

    2D Cartoon Art Work Game Assets Service :

    I can work on fixed price (based on my $14 per hour rate estimate), I do need a list of the assets to calculate.

    You can email me at oryzano (at) gmail (dot) com for more details.

  • sorry to intrude, but beautiful vector art

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  • Available for more Art Works.

  • More Art Works :

    2D Cartoon Art Work Game Assets Service :

    I can work on fixed price (based on my $14 per hour rate estimate), I do need a list of the assets to calculate.

    You can email me at oryzano (at) gmail (dot) com for more details.

  • More Art Works :

    2D Cartoon Art Work Game Assets Service :

    I can work on fixed price (based on my $14 per hour rate estimate), I do need a list of the assets to calculate.

    You can email me at oryzano (at) gmail (dot) com for more details.

  • Like your style, it has a real good polished feel to it

  • Thank you for your kind word.

    More Art Works :

    2D Cartoon Art Work Game Assets Service :

    I can work on fixed price (based on my $14 per hour rate estimate), I do need a list of the assets to calculate.

    You can email me at oryzano (at) gmail (dot) com for more details.

  • More Art Works :

    2D Cartoon Art Work Game Assets Service :

    I can work on fixed price (based on my $14 per hour rate estimate), I do need a list of the assets to calculate.

    You can email me at oryzano (at) gmail (dot) com for more details.

  • Really nice stuff, I like

  • More Art Works :

    2D Cartoon Art Work Game Assets Service :

    I can work on fixed price (based on my $14 per hour rate estimate), I do need a list of the assets to calculate.

    You can email me at oryzano (at) gmail (dot) com for more details.

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