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Fruit Slicer Template & Quality fruit and slice graphics (c3p,png,illustrator files)
  • Hello!

    I also wanna do a request. Could you do a Zelda styled game like the other request, with inventory, talking, jumping, etc... but with also a cutscene system? So you can do cinematic scenes in-game.

    Yes I will add this feature to the template, but I can't make it on the older versions of construct. Construct 2 does not allow for a downgrade to the older versions.

  • > Hello!

    > I also wanna do a request. Could you do a Zelda styled game like the other request, with inventory, talking, jumping, etc... but with also a cutscene system? So you can do cinematic scenes in-game.



    Yes I will add this feature to the template, but I can't make it on the older versions of construct. Construct 2 does not allow for a downgrade to the older versions.

    Oh okay, in that case i will upgrade.

    Btw, if you add it to template, the other person that requested the template and me will receive the capx both?

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  • Btw, if you add it to template, the other person that requested the template and me will receive the capx both?

    I will include the update in that same template with the option to activate this code or not. So if you decide not to have it then you can just disable it.

    the Capx will be made available to all once completed

  • >

    > Btw, if you add it to template, the other person that requested the template and me will receive the capx both?


    I will include the update in that same template with the option to activate this code or not. So if you decide not to have it then you can just disable it.

    the Capx will be made available to all once completed


  • First of all THANK YOU VERY MUCH for everything your're doing and sharing freely with all of us. YOU'RE the best!!!

    Is there any way you can create a LEVEL EDITOR that we can incorporate into our existing games, to give the players the ability to create a level based on existing assets in our game and share the new level with their friends? to give you a little more info, I'd be interested in a 2D platformer type of level editor?

    IT WOULD BE GREAT if you can

    Here is the template I made: ... gner-17731



  • Hi

    first of all thank You for Your great effort

    animation speed based on mouse speed movement

    when i slide (swipe) horizontally left and right if i slide slow player will run slow, middle mouse speed little faster animation and 3rd lever of high speed running animation

    and to be able to change direction if it is rope climbing to be able to use vertical swipe

    and it should be touch based because of mobile or tablet


  • Thanks!

    Its done, here: ... ress-16308

    Note: the is a pause when for cut scenes. Better for games that do not work off the internet like the arcade.

  • thanks Reuben for all your help and the free sources of all theses game ideas! Keep up the good work!

  • thanks Reuben for all your help and the free sources of all theses game ideas! Keep up the good work!

    Glad I can help out

  • Hi,

    If you have my request for circular maze on your free time, let me know.

  • just wanna ask if you know a way to draw using tilemap object. just a really simple drawing.

    I tried to use something like this (just one event):

    On left mouse button is down, then set tile (Mouse.X,Mouse.Y) to tile 0

    the tilemap is just a 2x2 dot, it start to draw but dont follow the mouse cursor.

    maybe I am using it in a wrong way.

    do you know how to do it?


    just got how to do it!

    should divide by the size of the tilemap.. as my tilemap is 2x2, should divide it by 2:

    On left mouse button is down, then set tile (Mouse.X/2,Mouse.Y/2) to tile 0

    problem solved

  • Yes you are right. Keep up the good work

  • Mario Style Coin box, and Centipede video game style formation

    Reuben, can you please do another template? a Mario Coin box, that actually replicates the look and "feel" of the original: with the coin box going up and down when bumped from below, and it spawning an object (either stationary right above the coin box, or an object moving to the left/right). there are examples of coin boxes on the forum but none that truly replicates the feel of the original with the box itself going up/down.

    Also, if you can make a top down enemy formation like Centipede arcade game, where it starts with a single squad and if the squad/chain is broken in the middle or somewhere else, each group becomes independent and goes in different direction.

    Thanks a million, you're the best.

  • Mario Style Coin box

    Reuben, can you please do another template? a Mario Coin box, that actually replicates the look and "feel" of the original: with the coin box going up and down when bumped from below, and it spawning an object (either stationary right above the coin box, or an object moving to the left/right). there are examples of coin boxes on the forum but none that truly replicates the feel of the original with the box itself going up/down.

    I made it!!! Hope that this is what you were looking for:

    View: ... lock-19697


    Will try second request soon <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • great that's exactly what i wanted. thank you very much

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