Has Construct 2 enough potential to do this?

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  • Hi everyone.

    I have never used Construct 2, and I'm trying to build a game but my programming skills are very limited, that's the reason I'm interested in knowing if this engine is what I need.

    I have in my mind a real time multiplayer game.

    The game would need a lobby in the main page of the web, where you can choose what room to join, hosted by other players, whose logic would be running at the server, to have a nice performance.

    Once in the room, there would be two teams of an unlimited number of players divided in two teams, where each player controls a member of this team, and I would need physics as collisions and impulses, with a chat which allows users to talk between themselves.

    The player who joins the web could also register an account, so I would have a database where I could make rankings, and in the future leagues of the game.

    What I need is a really great performance because it's in a 2D real time multiplayer game.

    So, that's my question, has Construct 2 enough potential to make that?(If any doubt I will answer as soon as I can).

  • Yes you can do all of that in C2. However to build a real time multiplayer game you will need to understand how WebRTC channels and signaling server work. This is one of the most difficult things and you can easily get frustrated by not understanding "why is this happening?!" etc. so I strongly encourage to first get familiar with C2 and then study the Multiplayer object. First of all when you start your multiplayer project you should read and really understand Multiplayer tutorial series wrote by Ashley: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/892/mu ... 1-concepts

  • Yes you can do all of that in C2. However to build a real time multiplayer game you will need to understand how WebRTC channels and signaling server work. This is one of the most difficult things and you can easily get frustrated by not understanding "why is this happening?!" etc. so I strongly encourage to first get familiar with C2 and then study the Multiplayer object. First of all when you start your multiplayer project you should read and really understand Multiplayer tutorial series wrote by Ashley: scirra.com/tutorials/892/mu ... 1-concepts

    Perfect so, I will start tomorrow with the project so doing some examples in C2 first.

    Building the multiplayer part and databases will I need many programming knowledges or is it no programming too?


  • Making apps/games in any engine requires programming. In C2 you're doing the programming by setting the events, so you are "building" the code instead of writing it.

    For the database, it depends what you need. If you want to store user email in your database you will need some database server like MySQL. This is not a part of C2 any more, so you will have to probably write some PHP code to manage database.

    All the rest can be done purely in C2.

  • just wanna say that you're not limited in using C2's multiplayer engine, you can use 3rd party plugin to do that. I'm using Photon for multiplayer and I can make a multiplayer game with it.

  • just wanna say that you're not limited in using C2's multiplayer engine, you can use 3rd party plugin to do that. I'm using Photon for multiplayer and I can make a multiplayer game with it.

    What are some good 3rd party plugins for multiplayer? Especially for a platformer where scrolling onto each player, for each player is necessary.

  • Poxnixles: I'm using Photon plugin and it's easy to work with, I haven't tried another plugin though so I can't compare it to anything else.

  • Poxnixles: I'm using Photon plugin and it's easy to work with, I haven't tried another plugin though so I can't compare it to anything else.

    Alright, where do I get the plugin exactly? I'm a bit confused.

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  • Poxnixles: there's a thread in the forum, it's over here:

  • Poxnixles: there's a thread in the forum, it's over here:

    Thank you! Any tutorials around for it?

  • > Poxnixles: there's a thread in the forum, it's over here: plugin-photon-cloud_t125222?&hilit=photon




    Thank you! Any tutorials around for it?

    Daggio Google doesn't seem to be helping, sadly.

  • Poxnixles: unfortunately, there isn't any tutorials that's specific for Construct 2 . But they give you two working demos in the download, and I use that for reference.

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