Effect not Showing In Editor

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • I'm having a problem with this effect Gigatron made (that I modified) where neither show for anything in the editor, which would help my purposes if I could see in while editing. Is it possible to modify it to work in the editor as well? I already tried checking other effects, that came with C2, that do show in the editor and didn't see any real code that makes it happen.


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  • I'm having a problem with this effect Gigatron made (that I modified) where neither show for anything in the editor, which would help my purposes if I could see in while editing. Is it possible to modify it to work in the editor as well? I already tried checking other effects, that came with C2, that do show in the editor and didn't see any real code that makes it happen.


    Be patient i will help you , tomorrow;

  • Alright, thanks!

  • Ok .. nothing special found on the shader code, maybe Ashley can help.

    It's not working for me too, dont know why ?

    So how i preview shaders not showed in C2 editor when i am working on ?

    I have Chrome, and firefox nightly; when shader running open web console or dev tool on chrome(install shader editor).

    After this click on shader editor tab, and edit shader like you want. If the picture become invisible refresh screen with mouse

    in scaling Horizontaly tool window. Now you can see modifyed shader..


  • I just wanted to be able to see it in C2's editor because in the later levels of my game I plan to use ink effects and non-NES colors in image files so it looks really off when the NES filter effect tries to compensate. I figured it would have a "The Color out of Space" effect where they had to film the movie in black and white, and make the color itself pink because the color was supposed to not be in the color spectrum as we know it, since you never really see NES-style games doing color blending effects. I wanted to be able to quickly see how the ink effects are impacted by the filter so I can do it much quicker.

  • corlenbelspar

    The best way is using realtime browser shader editor, or send bug report to Scirra or ask Ashley .

  • I'll try the shader editor you mentioned. BTW thanks for making the original effect so I was able to edit it into this. It's not necessary for my game, but will help the art style immensely.

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