Sonic HD

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From the Asset Store
Hybrid Sonic Branding Kit is a business identity & motion graphics sound effects library.
  • I am not very original but... it's very impressive !

  • yeah ,really nice

  • Okay, this looks amazing.

    Which reminds me, I really should continue working on my Sonic engine... Maybe I should just ignore the problem I've got at the moment and work on other things until a solution comes up.

  • Hello,

    Pyteo, can you reply to my pm i send to you yesterday?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Wow, this looks amazing!

  • Hello,

    Pyteo do you use Blender as well? just curious if you do i would like to contact you for some business.

    Best regard,


  • very good.

  • Hmm I'll have to look into Anime Studio as I used to use it when its was still called Moho years ago. Great graphics btw.

  • Hey guys,thanks a lot for the feedback.

    Yes, I did the graphics, you can check my work here:

    I've used Anime Studio for the animation, that's why it's smooth, each animation cycle has from 10 to 20 frames. The power up effect it's a circular sprite that grows with magnify.

    Do you like Anime Studio more than Boon Toon Studio? I have used Flash, but have heard a lot how Boon Toon is much easier to use, Though never heard of Anime Studio.

    What are Anime Studio pluses?

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  • Anime Studio uses bone animation, where you can quickly create a skeleton, which controls your 2d drawing and bends it to move with the bones. You can also drag vector graphics points around to animate deforms.

    It a very different way of animating. I lends itself to certain styles, but you can animate things very quickly and easily.

    Pyteo's sonic's running was animated by dragging around the bones to different positions, after creating one main sonic, and putting a skeleton on it. There may have been some dragging around of points as well, so sonic doesn't look like a total paper cutout character.

    another example of anime studio animation is my contribution in this thread

    the head itself is rotated on the neckbone. And all the facial expressions, and hair morphing is morphtargets for the vector curve control points. The morphtargets are nameable, so for instance the mouth animation was just two vector drawings, the neutral mouth, and the half smile. I made a 'neutral' keyframe, and a 'halfsmile' keyframe a few seconds later, and it automatically animated the in-betweens.

    free trial:

    it used to be very annoying to use and glitchy, but smith micro eventually stepped up and updated the interface

  • Anime Studio uses bone animation, where you can quickly create a skeleton, which controls your 2d drawing and bends it to move with the bones. You can also drag vector graphics points around to animate deforms.


    I saw that Anime Studio used bones but did't put much weight on that because I really have not fallen in love with Flash's bone system. But maybe Anime Studio's is better?

    Any other thoughts appreciated, but it might be worth looking into.

  • i haven't come across any 2d bone system nearly as quick or easy as anime studio, including flash

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