Okay... So this is interesting.
For each of the ships in my project, I have added phycics behavoir. So if I select one of my ships in the layout editor, under the properties tab there is a PHYSICS section under the BEHAVIORS menu.
If I load in my working Construct 99.96 project into Construct R2, all the values in this PHYSICS menu are the same. The MASS value I have for my ship is set to 1.4.
But, as I stated before, the ship moves too fast under Construct R2.
But, it turns out, if I go in an RETYPE the mass value at 1.4 -- I don't even have to change the number, just type it in again -- the ship suddenly flies at the correct speed.
So, clearly something about the 99.96 file format is being read incorrectly by R2.
Now, I still have another problem. I have a simple Edge Wrap event in my project. The idea is if a ship flies off one edge of the screen, it appears on the opposite side (exactly like the game Asteroids.)
There was the WRAP BEHAVIOR back when I was using 99.96 but it didn't work for me because of (I think) the shape of my ships... if you approached an edge slowly, the ship got CAUGHT there -- jerking a little back and fourth but never able to wrap to the other side.
Well, that problem is back with R2... Here is my wrap Event sheet:
<img src="http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee215/JDoejoe/Wrap_zpsb70ec6f4.jpg" border="0" />
Works great in Construct 99.96 but not in R2...
Does this fall under the "Teleport won't work with physics since r1.2" you were talking about jayjay? I'm assuming the WARP BEHAVIOR will also not work with a physics object? Does anyone have code for a PHYSICS WRAP/TELEPORT laying around that I can look at?