I love your enthusiasm and your wall of texts, irbis!
*edit* no sarcasm here!
Here's my suggestion:
No need to *stab your eyes* right now! Just grab Construct and play with it. While I think 6 months is a nice estimative, it really depends on your skills and your available time everyday.
Since your game is planned to have different sections, I guess you should begin with the easiest one (I'm thinking the platform / spaceship walking, as it has a behavior just for that). Make a small version of every feature you wish in this game's section, don't focus on details. Then proceed to the next on.
I think Construct is more than capable of handling a game like yours, it's just a matter of planning.
Cheers! And good luck!
If you need any help or feedback, we'll be here
thank you mate! i really needed someone to cheer me up think of it as descent writer who have a great ideas and rich imagination but dont know how to write. i am propably in similiar position.
Ill try that with the platformer and see what'll happend.
because this idea for a game is growing within me from when i was 10 i am so emotional. i have everything in my head already. the spaceships, the weapons, the story, planets, crew, events, statistics, controls, battle system, inventory system, upgrade system, achievemets, hidden content, content that you must unblock. if i close my eyes i can see all this. and i am literaly in pain untill i will kick all this ut of my head. i want to play my game so badly. but i have soo many problems to develope it. i even learned Photoshop, 3d Max, Audacity, and all other programs in order to produce assets for my game but i cant find a proper yet easy to pick up tool to connect all those assest into a game. i cant name how frustrating it is. and things are even worst as i had been working as a payed game designer in past. and back then - the only thing i needed was to make up things, and then give them to programmers and artists - and they dressed my ideas into shapes and forms. and now i am all alone with my head bursting with ideas and without anybody to make my ideas real. they were my hands and now i learn how to grow new ones. and it is a terribly painfull and troublesome process. thats why i aim for the most plain, easy, DUMB game creating prgrams.
[quote:2tfpi6al]If you don't think the effort is worth it, then don't do it.
you think of the efford in to general fasion. i am ready to work on my game, as i stated, for all the eternity. pay attention to this sentce in literal way. to work ON my game. not "to learn HOW to make my game".
so basicly, to produce content and assets. to create. as long as i create something i can work for all my life and i wont complain. but i cant afford wasting my time. i have too few of it.
you gone a long way with you game, switched engines and learned them, learned programing and gained expirience. also, you had been doing that from time when you were 13yo. this is when you started. well i am 26 yo and i cant race with 13yo fresh and open mind. you walked on foot - i prefer to take the train. as i said: i am doing a game for basicly myself. i am not aiming at Blizzard or Microsoft.
see this?
made under one week. without any knowledge and expirience what so ever. without any Adobe Affter Effect. purely on game engine.
effords are wourthless without good plan and trickery.
you are a game dev - you enjoy making games.
i am a gamer - i enjoy playing games.
its like with martial arts. you train for long long years. and when some guy attack you - you kick his ***** i never had time for such a long learning procces. thats why i use this instead:
<img src="">
you martial arts are more flexible, enriches you in many way. but i dont want all that. i just want to kick a **** when i need. because thats my horizon. yes it is narrow and plain. but its my. you're is much wider and valuable. but its yours.
PS: for past and future notes: sorry if i look offensive. i am not. almost never. i am just an agressive talker but theres no real agression behind the words. its just my style of comunicating.
yup i EM emotional.
and sorry for this WoTs (WallOfText). i think i cant write diffrently