Shoot always to the same side

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  • Ppl, I started this topic because I dont find the answer in the wiki ( almost everything is offine there) and dont find here in the forum either.

    So, Iam doing an Contra style game, but I have problems with the direction the bullets go.

    They always go to right corner of the screen.

    So, If someone can help me I apreciate.

    I need to make the robot shoot in all 8 directions.

    Thx for your time. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • First of all, nice avatar. Serj Tankian and System of a down are fascinating <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    To your problem:

    Set the angle of your bullet sprites/instances to where they should head to when creating/spawning them. Preferably just to the same angle than your player sprite.

    ->Spawn bullet

    ->bullet: Set angle to player.angle

  • If you're looking for tutorials, you might check the tutorial section of this forum and look for C2's tutorial.

    In the whole, C2 and CC are quite similar, so what you learn for one does the trick for the other.

    There will be some little differences and subtilties, but you can safely go for the beginners' guide to Construct 2 and learn from what's there.

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  • First of all, nice avatar. Serj Tankian and System of a down are fascinating <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    To your problem:

    Set the angle of your bullet sprites/instances to where they should head to when creating/spawning them. Preferably just to the same angle than your player sprite.

    ->Spawn bullet

    ->bullet: Set angle to player.angle

    You are my hero, this actually works!!

    Now I must solve the problem of shot up/down when stopped/walking/jumping.

    And yeah, Serj is the man, and this pic of him rememberme the troll face from 4chan <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thx for the help dude.

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