Project bar design

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Fly Bound
$2.49 USD
Design for game, asset for game, game kit, UI design, completed design for game FLY BOUND
  • Uh... private variables are gonna multiply like crazy. It is best if we leave them under respective objects they belong to.

    That's why you'd split apart the variables folder into two sub folders - global and private.

    Under private, you'd see the objects that actually have private variables assigned to them, so you could roll them out like a folder and you'd get access to their private variables.

    No biggie.

  • I notice objects in there. would this replace the object bar? It seams like it would do everything the object bar does and much better to organize.

  • No, but the object folder functionality is also present in the object bar now.

  • Under private, you'd see the objects that actually have private variables assigned to them, so you could roll them out like a folder and you'd get access to their private variables.

    There is no point in moving private variables away from the objects they are linked to. i think if they were to make it into the bar they should go in under the object itself not jumbled in with the global variables.

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  • Maybe at some point in the future I'll add private variables/behaviors/effects under their objects - or by some other way - but for now I think it's a bit of overkill; the project bar is intended for organisation of an application, not creating or modifying every root of a game. However, I think I may add private variables at least into the tree view of the object bar, which is basically the 'Objects' stub from the project bar in the object bar.

  • This is looking amazing , rich.

    Certainly better.

    Also , judging by the options , you'll be able to "pack" the sounds into the application?

  • You already can, but now sounds and music are separate from files.

  • im not sure if im too late for anything, and im at work so i cant read all the replies right now, but i feel differently than alot of the other posters on the front page. if the polls are still open, i vote yes on the family folders. it would be really convenient to be able to drag a bunch of objects into a family folder instead of having to go into the proprty page of each object one by one. why not have it there. there was something else a few people wanted , oh yeah...behaviors, see i have no need for that at all, but if some people could really benefit from it, i think it should be there. dont know if its possible, but being able to show/hide folders that are less general like those above could be a good feature

    either way, awesome job rich


  • The rationale for families fades when you use the family manager, which is much better equipped to add and remove objects from families, as well as sort out private variables, behaviors, effects, and such.

    Some more stuff may appear in future but I think what's there now is as much as 95% people will need, and strikes a fair comprimise between bloat and necessity.

  • know what I just realized?

    there's this button that says manage families and you can add and remove objects from families without having to go into the individual property pages for each object, and you can even add/manage private variables effects and behaviors, too.

    oh, you knew that already?

  • I was unaware .

  • If you can make new families in the family manager I sure can't find how

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