Built-in Level Editor

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Supports 1D, 2D, 3D arrays. Import and export arrays in JSON format
  • Actually I prefer Control+v to a painting type of action, as painting will often add multiple objects all in one place.

    But of course the painting action would not add more then one at the same place... It wouldn't even have to be painting. Just clicking the sprites out would be better then it is now.

  • > Actually I prefer Control+v to a painting type of action, as painting will often add multiple objects all in one place.


    But of course the painting action would not add more then one at the same place... It wouldn't even have to be painting. Just clicking the sprites out would be better then it is now.

    for that matter, you could have a toggle box that prevents you putting another sprite into a grid square if there's already one there on the same layer - A similar function to "Preserve transparency" in a lot of image editors.

  • it would be useful to have some sort of tile placing/organization system... but it's pretty much just a convenience at this point. Ctrl+drag works with multiple selections and it snaps to the grid well enough, The time it takes to write a post about wanting the feature could have probably been spent creating the entire level with the tools available now. Don't get me wrong, I would love some type of tiling/drawing system, but it's not at all essential. Maybe for tilesheets it would be more important, but for placing it's not really a big deal unless you're making some sort of massive zelda type overworld. I actually find ctrl+drag has advantages over regular select and place tile systems, but having both would be ideal I geuss.

  • Don't get me wrong, I would love some type of tiling/drawing system, but it's not at all essential.

    That's the whole point I'm trying to make. For either a plugin or for 2.0 it would be "nice" to have more convenient options to work with tilesheets. There is nothing wrong with convenience. Now whether it is worth it over a non-convenience feature is debatable....

    How would that work per layout?

    Anyway like i said the chance of duplicates is annoying.

    What I was referring to doesn't have anything to do with layouts. It's all in the animation import frames tool. I don't understand the duplicates part.. doesn't seem relevant.

    Overall, I'm simply saying Construct could be more convenient or noob friendly in places. Does it need to be... obviously no. I guess I should get back to making a level...

  • I can agree that it's not that essential to have a good way of handeling tile-sets, but a better way than Ctrl dragging IS essential. Right now people are just making engines, so it's no problem now, but when creating levels it is.

    I'm just saying it would be a HUGE improvement and would probably not require much work at all to add a checkbox where you toggeled "painting" or something. Where you can click out the sprites instead of ctrl+dragging them.

  • I'm just saying it would be a HUGE improvement and would probably not require much work at all to add a checkbox where you toggeled "painting" or something.

    Yes, I agree a painting feature is much more essential. I also don't understand the negativity towards a fairly simple addition which would add a huge benefit to creating levels... If people have used Gamemaker then I have a hard time believing that they would not want a "painting" type capability.

  • Not necessarily negative, more like realistic. Sure it might be a possibility on 2.0, but for now adding that would have a few hurdles. Especially when dealing with zoom, right now that is really messed up when placing tiles. Not to mention how the ide would have to change.

  • Not necessarily negative, more like realistic. Sure it might be a possibility on 2.0, but for now adding that would have a few hurdles. Especially when dealing with zoom, right now that is really messed up when placing tiles. Not to mention how the ide would have to change.

    Are you talking about the "pick a sprite and klick to insert" system, or the full feature level editor? I doubt the first alternative would require much work.

  • [quote:330ix2up]Are you talking about the "pick a sprite and klick to insert" system, or the full feature level editor? I doubt the first alternative would require much work.

    We already have that.... Control+v, sure its an extra step, but once you have got the object copied you can paste it as much as you like without having to recopy it. It might be nice if it was only one keystroke instead of two.

  • but you can't see the sprite you're placing. I don't understand why you're working so hard against this.

  • Ok Im finished.

    I've given you alternatives for things that just aren't going to happen, and you accuse me of being against it.

  • Ok Im finished.

    I've given you alternatives for things that just aren't going to happen, and you accuse me of being against it.

    I'm not accusing you for anything. I just meant that you really don't seem to want this since you keep saying it's unnescessary. I'm thankfull for the alternatives, but i still think this would be a really big improvement.

    Dont take things so hard. I didn't mean anything bad with my comment and your reply really surprised me.

  • I have no idea how it is "hell" to make levels for some people. It works perfectly fine, save for one thing, and that's that you select a placed object by its entire bounding box rather than just clicking on opaque parts. That I'd love an alternative to!

  • seriously though it's not that difficult or inconvenient, the fact that you can select and drag-copy makes up for the painting thing.

    It works perfectly fine, save for one thing, and that's that you select a placed object by its entire bounding box rather than just clicking on opaque parts.

    I agree, it gets in the way a lot, but I geuss it's not that much of a big deal. It does get really annoying when theres a lot of small objects next to each other though. But... I think ctrl or alt click selects the object under the top level one.

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  • I have no idea how it is "hell" to make levels for some people. It works perfectly fine, save for one thing, and that's that you select a placed object by its entire bounding box rather than just clicking on opaque parts. That I'd love an alternative to!

    Defiantly would like to see that one, especially when dealing with isometric tiles, but just like the painting feature, we really don't have any way to know what's doable, and whats not.

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