rgbEx255 expression but in JavaScript

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  • 2 posts
  • Hi,

    I cannot find how to generate a colorValue type number from Red, Green and Blue channels anywhere. I don't know how to use system expressions from even sheets, there is nothing on that in the documentation.

    Can anyone help?

    Also is there somewhere a definition what datatype colorValue in construct3 use anyway? It would be even better.

    ps.: Scripting reference is frustrating to use, there is no search only for javascript functions and while wasting 3 hours on this quest to convert some numbers I found a lot of developer posts that we shouldn't be using undocumented functions and people are still using them. How can I know if the function is documented or not if I cannot browse reference other than page by page?

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  • The scripting APIs usually use an array of [r, g, b] for colors, with each component in the range 0-1. What do you need a color value in scripting for? Generally color values are specific to the event system.

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