How do I write the generation of drawn textures using tilemap

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  • Hello! I apologize in advance for my poor English.

    I started to create my first game with this engine. It is an infinite runner, and to make it easier for me to start the process, I decided to use the template of the same name.

    Before I describe the problem, I want to tell you about the game. As I said, it's an endless runner where I have the roofs of houses instead of platforms. This is the main point of the game. Here, in fact, is where the problem lies.

    The template implements the generation of platforms created with a sprite. But I created the roofs using TileMap. I tried to use the same mechanics to generate TileMap, but it just doesn't work properly, and because of my meager knowledge I don't understand how to solve this problem. I would be happy to get some help.

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