A world full of AI citizens.

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  • I have a map of a really big city that I made, I also put in 50 different types of people that I want to walk around the map and go from point to point like citizens of the city.

    What is the best way to do it?

    I thought about Pathfinding for every citizen and the destination changes every time you reach the destination. It seems to me that this could be wrong because of all the calculations, is there perhaps a more correct way?

  • Load only the necessary amount of peds. By "necessary" I mean some peds in player vicinty. Basically a player must have an area around him that dynamically loads some npcs. Pathfinding is expensive but if you prevent them from finding paths simlutaniously it'll be alright. Just for the love of gods don't make the whole city perfom pathfinding

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  • Load only the necessary amount of peds. By "necessary" I mean some peds in player vicinty. Basically a player must have an area around him that dynamically loads some npcs. Pathfinding is expensive but if you prevent them from finding paths simlutaniously it'll be alright. Just for the love of gods don't make the whole city perfom pathfinding

    So I understand that this is the right way, I just have to do it smart and not all at once. Thanks!!!

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