Typewriter effect with flashing text?

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From the Asset Store
Keyboard, Mouse & Typewriter SFX / 27 Unique Sound Clips
  • So I have a spritefont and I want some text in my dialogue to flash while the typewriter is still typing it out. In the animated spritefont effects example, the [hide] tag is used and then removed a couple seconds later. However if I do this with my typewriter text

    After 1 second it will just restart the whole typewriter effect. How do I make it so the text will flash without restarting the effect.

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  • Do you want it to flash (become visible) after the typewriter has finished? Then you should wait more than 1 second.

    Or perhaps you can display two spritefonts one over another. One with "hide" tags, and another without. Run the typewriter on both. Make the whole second spritefont invisible by default, and after a 1s wait change it to visible.

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