Timestamp updates too slow on PC after changing date/time in device settings, how to fix this?

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  • Hello :)

    I want to make a small puzzle-level, where door opens only when YEAR on user's device is 1987, so he should change year in date/time device settings.

    On mobile everything works pergectly, but on PC there is a huge delay between changing year and updating timestamp. Is it possible to avoid it?

    I tried rex_date plugin, but the problem still exists.

    Maybe some Javascript-magic could help?

  • I think it's a very bad idea to make user to change date on their device. This may cause many issues with other apps - reminders, scheduled tasks, automatic backups, antivirus software etc.

    Besides, I checked on my phone and it doesn't allow me to set the date earlier than 01/01/2007

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  • Thanks for the reply :)

    It's just a temporary changing just to pass that level. Date-switching is not a core-gameplay.

    And the puzzle could solve by changing day or month with a small number forwards or backwards

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