Get time in seconds from iFrame mp4 Video?

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  • Hey guys! In my project I have an layout that plays an mp4 video from a iFrame.

    I need to check when the video ends playing so I can move the game forward to the next layout.

    I can not make any alterations server-side...

    Does anyone know how could I access the time in seconds of the video being played from the iFrame? It would be awesome! I've been searching a lot, but didn't found anything.

    Thank you!!


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  • [DOUBLE POST, sorry]

    Well, I didn't figured out how to access the data from the iFrame... But I did a workaround without using the iFrame Object.

    For anyone interested (sorry if I get any terms wrongly, I use Construct in portuguese):


    -Using AJAX, BinaryData and Video game objects.

    -On Start of Layout, set AJAX binary response to BinaryData Game Object.

    -Still on Start of Layout, request via AJAX the URL "" with the tag "videotest" or anything else.

    -AJAX On "videotest" completed, set Video source (H.264) to BinaryData.GetURL. Don't know if it works using WebM or Ogg Theora, but it probably does)


    This will make the video play after the time it takes to download (you can see if it's downloading using the Video On Progress event).

    Doing this way I can use On Video Ended to trigger the action to change the Layout.

    See y'all!

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