How do I start multiple tweens at once?

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  • Hi. I have several instances of the same object, that all need to tween to a specific location for each instance.

    Whenever I start the tween only one of the objects move. How do I make all instances start tweening at the same time?

    Whevever i use a trigger or once while true, even looping through each of them, only one of them moves. Any suggestions?

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  • Offhand the use of trigger once with multiple instances sounds suspect. Idk for sure.

    Something like this should work fine.

    start of layout
    for each sprite
    -- tween sprite to x,y

    Whereas this one will cause trouble. As soon a one tween finishes that sprite alone will move again (or as many that finished that instance). And after that it won't run with and other sprites that finish tweening. The only way to reset it is if none of them are finished tweening.

    sprite: tween is finished
    trigger once
    for each sprite
    -- tween sprite to x,y

    I'm not sure if that's what the tweening aces look like. I haven't used them.

    If you can avoid using trigger once and do something like this instead it would work better.

    [negated] sprite: tween is tweening
    for each sprite
    -- tween sprite to x,y
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