How do I save 30 variable value in construct3 ?

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  • Hi

    I am making a game and want to save 30 to 40 variable. How to do it and can you make a small project on it. Also I am beginner in all this app making.

    If helped thx you

  • Consider using a dictionary instead of those variables.

    You can still save many variables at once in Local Storage using this method:

  • Variables can be made in a lot of different ways so it more so depends on what you are trying to build.

    Dictionaries and Arrays can store large amounts of variables all in one spot. Since you are brand new to this I believe it would be easier to start out with some instance variables or global variables.

    Instance variables are attached to an object. They can be changed by calling that objects variable, which allows you to have multiple of the same object all with different variable values. These values are lost once you destroy the object or change the layout.

    Global variables are meant to exist forever and would not be useful for trying to store values for multiple of the same object. But if you have a single use case for a value you that you want to last through layouts or track even after destroying the object then you want to use globals.

    I have a video that goes through working with variables on a very basic level if you wanted more information:

  • Thank you And can I use save and load form settings. Can you tell me its disadvantage.

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  • System Save action saved the entire state of the game - all objects, variables, everything.

    With Local Storage you can choose what data you wish to save.

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