How do I remove AD_ID (AAID) permission on app for kids?

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  • Hello, recently I updated an app using the Construct 3 r308.2 stable version, and I noticed that 2 permissions were added (as you can see on the screenshot).

    However, Family apps, that is, as per Google policy, apps intended for children must not send advertising IDs, so I need to remove the permission:

    Is there a way to remove this permission on Construct? I googled that this permissions can be removed on Android export project, on the Manifest file using the next code:

    <uses-permission android:name="" tools:node="remove"/>

    However, this permission doesn't appear on the file.

    Thanks for your help!


  • You can remove that through a Cordova plugin: chadori-mobile-ad-families-programs, you just insert it in your config.xml through Cordova project export.

    If you have the Construct Master Collection, you can do this automatically by adding the object Mobile Advert Families Programs.

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  • Thanks for the answer, but I am not using any external plugin. I would like to know if there is any solution without using third party plugins

  • The first method I mentioned doesn't require another Construct 3 plugin, that is just an automated way to do it in your build outside the Construct 3 Build Service if you do not use a Construct 3 plugin.

    Now that I looked at your linked snippet, that's exactly what the Cordova plugin does.

    However, if you plan to modify your Android Studio project directly, you can look for the line in the AndroidManifest.xml and remove it.

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