I have problem with menu?

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From the Asset Store
ready made menu you can download this one or just follow my tutorial to make it yourself
  • i made menu Start game,options,Credit but some how when i add move with gamepad (xbox)

    I press button and he skip like crazy make two moves no one.

    Only stick in gamepad works good

    And one wierd problem when i press on gamepad "B" i go back to mainmenu but some how when i go to mainmenu>Level select this doesnt work too this doesnt work but some how read like i press A and go inside level :/

    Sry for thiss bad eng but somehow gamepad for m Not working properly.

    One more time so sry for bad eng


  • Are you saying that when you press Up on DPad, the cursor goes two steps up in the menu, instead of one?

    Maybe your gamepad emulates keyboard input and triggers "Keyboard on key pressed" events..

    Can you remove these two conditions and test if gamepad Up/Down buttons still work?

  • Are you saying that when you press Up on DPad, the cursor goes two steps up in the menu, instead of one?

    Maybe your gamepad emulates keyboard input and triggers "Keyboard on key pressed" events..

    Can you remove these two conditions and test if gamepad Up/Down buttons still work?

    Ok ty about this ur tip works ty but now sound move sounds like i press two times do u have tip for level select I have event when press B on gamepad or Esc then i back to menu but some how this doesnt work and emulates like i press A and he go to level 1.

  • Are you saying that when you press Up on DPad, the cursor goes two steps up in the menu, instead of one?

    Maybe your gamepad emulates keyboard input and triggers "Keyboard on key pressed" events..

    Can you remove these two conditions and test if gamepad Up/Down buttons still work?

    Ok now i just change back to menu on Y and works fina some how A and B works like one this same button eh.

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  • I think something is wrong with your gamepad, it shouldn't work like that.

    Try updating the driver. Or try a different browser.

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