Problem with animation

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  • I'm new to Construct3 and I have a problem, every time I use an action in the event sheet calling an animation, it appears but stops in the first frame. If I link the action to a button it works normally, but when it involves any other condition (like a collision for example) and I call the animation of an enemy for example, it stops in the first frame and I can't get it to continue, does anyone know Why is this happening? I am sending an example of cogo attached, but I have tried in other ways always with the same negative result

  • Event #2 on your screenshot runs on every tick while Is ParaliseEnemy condition is true. And you tell the animation to play from the beginning. That's why it's constantly restarting and you only see the first frame.

    You need to add another condition to this event:

    Enemy "attack" animation is NOT playing

  • Ah, thank you very much, I understand what's going on. But I couldn't make an expression in the condition that doesn't happen every tick, can you give me an example of an expression that doesn't cause this situation?

  • You can also start "Attack" animation in the same event where you set ParalizeEnemy to true.

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  • Would it be like the image I'm sending attached? But I tested it here now and the animation simply doesn't start, it appears very quickly but soon after it returns to the Idle condition.

    I had created another condition to change the animation between "run" and "idle", and these work normally, I'm also showing them in the print.

  • I GOT IT!

    It was a conflict between the conditional that called "idle" and this new one that called "attack", I managed to make it work now!

    Thanks a lot for the help!

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