How do I prevent screen from resizing on mobile while keyboard appears?

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  • On mobile none full screen web export, when keyboard appears, the screen is resized to fit the remaining space. Is there any way to prevent screen from resizing and allowing keyboard input?


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  • That's been a topic for a while. Last I heard iphone resize could be turned off in config, but for Android (it's

    an android issue) it requires a homemade keyboard. I'm commenting to be on this thread, curious if anything has changed.

  • That's been a topic for a while. Last I heard iphone resize could be turned off in config, but for Android (it's

    an android issue) it requires a homemade keyboard. I'm commenting to be on this thread, curious if anything has changed.

    For my first game (compiled with cocoon), I had to setup my own custom made keyboard, but now my app is based on multilanguage input (arabic included).

    Waiting and see if anyone had a way to bypass this issue.

    Thanks for the reply.

  • Browsers don't currently provide a way to control this, but Chrome should be shipping a VirtualKeyboard API soon, which may mean we can change it to work like it does on iOS (so the keyboard overlaps rather than resizes the screen).

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