Is it possible to create a form inside my game that submits details to a leaderboard?

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  • Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me.

    I'd like to be able to add a form at the end of my mini game where users can input their name and email.

    This information will then take their final score, add it to a leaderboard and from there we'll be able to determine which user had the top score so that they can win a prize (we're building the game to be used at a show where visitors will participate in our mini game in order to win a little something).

    I've tried to input text fields but I can't find how I would edit them within Construct 3 to make them match our designs. I'm also not sure how I can submit that data, whether the submission and leaderboard would need to be held within Construct or if I'd need to direct those submissions to another page on the site?

    We're going to have the game held on a subdomain of our site.

    I hope that's enough information for someone to help give some directions of where to go from here. Please assume I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to this kind of stuff.

    Many thanks

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