How do I port CRT webgl effect to c3?

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  • I noticed there still hasn't been a CRT effect plugin for Construct 3, and instead of begging someone for it I decided to try making the effect myself. I have C3IDE downloaded and I've been trying to port crt-lottes.glsl, but when I test it in C3 I get a crash and a bunch of errors.

    Here are the errors I'm getting:

    main.js:1933 Failed to compile shader program: Error: Error compiling fragment shader: WARNING: 0:15: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:16: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:17: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:18: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:19: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:20: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:21: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:22: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:23: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:24: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:25: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:26: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:27: 'parameter' : unrecognized pragma

    WARNING: 0:425: '' : unexpected end of file found in directive

    ERROR: 1:1: '' : syntax error

    Here is the code I'm using:

    If I had to guess, I'd say that it's because I didn't add any parameters in the parameters section of c3ide, but I wasn't sure whether they were float values or not, what the default values are, etc.

    Can someone smarter than me please help? xD


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  • No takers? I've been trial and error-ing, trying different effects just to test and I guess I'm just doing something wrong but can't find the proper documentation to get me on the right track. I just want a crt filter maaan

  • You might have more luck posting this in the plugin SDK thread:

    IF you do actually get lottes working please let me know! :) I've had it on the backburner to attempt to bring it to C3 but my glsl knowledge is not up to scratch.

    Best of luck to you

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