Please help!!

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  • For my program, I need such a function, I want to be able to select an image, and upload it to some service, and in the program files as a link to the photo. Help me please! Toko, I just choose a picture and she herself should receive a link in the game files!

    Who cares why this is, I need to send it to the server as a link.


  • You can use the AJAX object in construct to SEND/POST data.

    After that its up to the recieveing end to handle that information.

    You could set up a server and create a page to recieve the data from your program and store it as you desire, but that is not covered in construct.

    Most services available would block the POST data from your program since it would be a security issue to open up the service to accept data from anywhere.

  • Please throw off an example of uploading an image to the server, and getting a link to it

  • This is really complicated stuff if you are a beginner.

    "the server" - if it's yours...

    - does yoour router have port forwarding?

    - is your ip staatic?

    - what os is your server running?

    - php or asp?

    - is the server settings using the correct MIME types?

    - is it set up to accept "POST" from foreign IP's? (make sure to have security to match the settings)

    When that is done you will have to write the code that handles the recieved data as binary and store it in correct format.

    Perhaps it would be better to look for alternatives?

    If you still wish to proceed, google is your friend.


    - "how to set up php server"

    - "php save POST to png image".

    Please note that nothing of the above is directly related to construct so you will have to get the help from "personal server" forums.

    When all that is done, (could take a couple of weeks if you read thoroughly), have a look at the AJAX documentation here:

  • I don't have a server, I just want to upload an image to any service and get a link to it

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  • Can I upload a picture to this site:

    And get a link to it in the construct?? I don't even understand how to do this, I need an example

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