Performance optimization

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Firebase: Analytics, Dynamic Links, Remote Config, Performance, Crashlytics on Android, iOS & Web Browser
  • Hi folks, since I am working on a project that will be used in education on very bad / old PCs (I don't know the exact tech specs, but they probably don't have much RAM).

    The project has currently problems running on them (html export in a browser) to a point where it does not even load on some pcs.

    Question 1:

    I know that there are some optimization options that I can choose when exporting, but are there other things besides that which I can do to make it run faster?

    Question 2:

    And while we speak about things being fast and slow, I noticed that the movements of objects run way faster on my working pc then on my phone (and on the bad pcs probably too). In Unity, when coding in C#, I always multiply fixed movement values with time.deltatime, which makes it that the speed is adjusted to a device's performance. Is there something similar I can do in Construct to make the moving appear in an universal speed?

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  • 1. Use the Debug View (Shift+F4) to find what's causing bad performance. Things to look for:

    • excessive number of object instances
    • too many collision/poly checks - over 1000 per tick
    • memory used by images - over 1GB
    • high CPU or GPU utilization, check CPU/GPU profiler tabs for details

    2. All behaviors are already using delta time. If you move objects with events, you must use dt. For example, Move 5*60*dt

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