How do I pass file from AJAX to Json?

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  • Hello,

    I'm trying to make a quiz game, and I used one block --> "On start of layout, Ajax request quiz.json (my file with the questions) with tag quiz" ; and a second block "Ajax on quiz completed, Json parse json string ajax.lastdata" .. The problem is that if I go in debug, the data from the file goes in Ajax.lastadata, but it doesn't go in the Json... can anybody help??


  • There's likely a mistake in your JSON string (like a missing bracket), that's why it can't be parsed. If you press F12 and open browser console you will see an error message about it.

    I suggest you use any of the online JSON validator tools to fix the syntax.

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  • There's likely a mistake in your JSON string (like a missing bracket), that's why it can't be parsed. If you press F12 and open browser console you will see an error message about it.

    I suggest you use any of the online JSON validator tools to fix the syntax.

    thank you so much, that was actually the problem :)

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