I need a work around for host suspended

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  • Hello, I know this comes up a lot in the forum's, but it also gets shut down a lot because it is a complicated topic apparently. I am using Photon multiplayer plugin with Construct 3. When the host is suspended the enemy de~sync and stops moving.I tried to let everyone arrange the movement of the enemy, but it has some issues. Can anyone point me in the right direction of how I should address this? Even if there is a hack to allow host tab to run in background. I know there is a simple solution out there for me. I just hope the right person can see this

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  • It's not particularly complicated, it's simply a feature of the platform to preserve battery life and other computing resources on client devices. It's also an old issue that I understood to be resolved, as Chrome now has an exception for WebRTC connections and keeps the tab active.

    However if you're using Photon that might not use WebRTC or websockets, so either slap the multiplayer plugin into your project to keep a "fake" connection alive, or play some silent music, which also bypasses Chrome's out of focus throttling/suspending IIRC.

    Not familiar with Photon though, so it may or may not work. You'll find limited support for third party plugins on these forums.

  • Thanks for the reply! I tried playing a silent music on loop, but that didnt work. I will return here is the fake multiplayer or fake WebRTC connection works. Thanks for the help

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