MobileAdvert Failing

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  • I'm trying to create a banner ad using the MobileAdvert plugin and not having any success. I've tried a variety of options but am continuing to receive the same error no matter what way I do it.

    The "On configuration failed" MobileAdvert.ErrorMessage is "advert plugin is not loaded".

    Right now I've got this flow:

    On start of layout > Configure

    On configuration complete > Create banner advert

    The "On configuration complete" never fires and instead like I mentioned "On configuration failed" fires with the MobileAdvert.ErrorMessage "advert plugin is not loaded".

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  • You need to add the MobileAdvert object to your project. Then in the MobileAdvert properties panel you need to fill in the Application ID and Publisher ID.

    Then you need to:

    MobileAdvert > Configure - and fill in the details

    MobileAdvert > Create banner advert - and fill in the details

    MobileAdvert > Show the current banner advert

    Is this failing on Android or iOS? Does it fail when Test mode is enabled or does it just fail when you're testing with live ads?

  • You need to add the MobileAdvert object to your project. Then in the MobileAdvert properties panel you need to fill in the Application ID and Publisher ID.

    Then you need to:

    MobileAdvert > Configure - and fill in the details

    MobileAdvert > Create banner advert - and fill in the details

    MobileAdvert > Show the current banner advert

    Is this failing on Android or iOS? Does it fail when Test mode is enabled or does it just fail when you're testing with live ads?

    Yup, I've already added the MobileAdvert object to the project and filled in the App and Publisher Ids on the properties panel.

    I've got the Create banner advert step set to display automatically, but I've also tried it with the separate show step. It fails to actually display either way and I get the same error message.

    This is all directly in Construct 3 using Preview with Test Mode enabled.

  • If you’re trying to display ads in Preview mode within Construct then it’s likelt that the ads won’t display. You’ll have to do a build and deploy to a phone to see the ads running.

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