How do I make an mmo tabletop simulator?

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  • Hey there let me explain a little. So I tried working in GMS2 but found that their MMO function was pretty much non existent or very hard to implement and very limited.

    I have a tabletop document that I want to use for this game and I am willing to learn and take teachers if possible to guide me. I was just hoping to find guides and assistance free/paid that can help me make these possible.

    - a character sheet for players and monsters that players/game masters can interact with.

    - a card system (as I call it) a blank card system that can be filled out with features that give it specific objectives.

    - example would be an attack card. it is given a tag (talked about next) that says its a firebolt so the card fills out firebolt and then with points you can upgrade it using a drop down menu or something nicer looking. then when the card is ready to be used you can click either flash (to show the card to everyone else) or use (which rolls whatever the card does in the text channel and shows the damage and effects it does) of course the card can be upgraded over time as you get more points.

    - a tag system that allows for me to make keywords that when applied to cards gives them pre determined stating conditions and tags that add to cards in the above example a fire bolt tag and then a fire damage increase tag that adds more dice to the card when rolled.

    - a crafting and gathering system nothing too complex just cards with crafting tags so when the crafting feature adds the two cards it replaces them with another card/tags.

    - the ability for multiple people to walk around and talk on the screen.

    - the ability for game masters to place tiles and buildings down on the fly in game.

    - an archive system where the cards and monsters and stuff can be kept in order for a game master to pull from in game and use to modify cards/sheets/monsters

    - two movement styles free movement and tile movement that the players can switch to depending on what they are doing.

    - an inventory system that displays different sections of inventory for each player.

    the idea of the game is there is not an automated battle system its just people walking around talking and then when they get into a session with a gm they switch to tile movement and talk in the In Character chat and flash cards and roll dice.

    I wanted to try and make it as simple as possible but I know this might be a lot of work which is why I am willing to learn it and would love any teachers who could help me in the process. I probably missed a few functions but I do have a basic document that explains in a little more detail what I am trying to accomplish. I do not mind paying for anyone's time or knowledge!


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  • I suggest you also make a post in this sub-forum:

    As I understand, this will be a network multiplayer game? Make sure to mention that you need someone with experience in multiplayer plugin, as this is a pretty specific requirement.

    One piece of advice is to use JSON object from the start for storing cards, inventories and other data. I used to have dozens of arrays and dictionaries in my project, eventually I ended up converting most of them to JSON - it's much more versatile.

  • Thanks a ton I will post it there with the clarifications and I will keep the JSON file in mind!

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