How to use linear Gradient plugin to change colours using events?

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  • Hi, I'm looking to make use of this plugin called "linear Gradient"


    to develop a system where, when the player taps on screen, the colours in the linear gradient shift from one set to another smoothly. Does anyone know if this is possible?

    From what I checked, after you get set-up with this plugin, it gives you 2 parameters (Start colour and end colour). For each colour present in the gradient. If we change the values in the mentioned parameters, we change the colour. The problem is that I am not able to figure out how I can change these values using the event system.

    I can probably accomplish what I wanted using sprites and animation, thought using this plugin might be a more optimised way.

    also, I see that this plugin that i'm referring to is old, can any one tell me if construct 3 is still supporting it for mobile? Hope someone will be able to guide me on the mentioned points. Thanks.

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