How do I include different game types in a project?

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Adjusting the game screen for different resolutions (Letterbox scale)
  • Hello all!

    I am an amateur programmer but a complete noob when it comes to using Construct. What an awesome platform for easily creating games!

    My current project is to create a side-scrolling platform shooter. I would like to include levels that involve a basic driving / racing simulator (similar to an NES racer) as well as an RPG-style single-screen boss fight (similar to Pokemon RPG style.)

    Each level will be independent of the other levels. Like having completely different games on different levels. I don't plan on any player stats or information carrying over to the next level necessarily.

    I've been working on the side-scroller with help from tutorials and demo projects.

    My question : Can I have different game types on different levels?

    i.e. Level 1 is a side-scroller. Level 2 is a basic racing game. Level 3 is a boss battle in the style of an RPG.

    If this isn't the right way to use Construct, is there a way I can achieve this?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

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  • Yes, you can do this by using separate Layouts and Event Sheets for each level.

  • Yes, you can do this by using separate Layouts and Event Sheets for each level.

    Thank you for this information!

    Also wondering: If I create multiple different game projects, can I combine them into one project at the end to put them together? So they all become a single game?

  • You could, but it would require some extra work. So it's better to keep it within single project from the start, instead of combining them later.

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