How do I get a high resolution image??

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  • Hi everyone, I want to take a high resolution print (somewhere around 5000x5000) but all the images I capture have terrible resolution, how can I configure it to take a high quality print even if the file size increases?

    This was the best quality image I could get.

    I needed to print images so I can zoom 100x without losing quality

  • if you look at the layout properties (the left) and scroll down you´ll see a section called project properties, click view and then scroll down to sampling, it will probably say trilinear you´re gonna wanna change that to nearest. I hope this helps

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  • if you look at the layout properties (the left) and scroll down you´ll see a section called project properties, click view and then scroll down to sampling, it will probably say trilinear you´re gonna wanna change that to nearest. I hope this helps

    Thanks for the help, but even with this configuration I didn't get any changes.

    When I captured the file it came with the size of 920x920.

    My need is for it to be in layout size (5000x5000).

    The purpose of this is that I can enlarge and the image enlarge without losing quality.

    However, I am getting a very poor quality image.

  • Hello, anyone out there that helps?

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