How do I get Greenworks to work for achievements?

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Implement a customizable array-based achievement system with the fully-commented template.
  • I'm really struggling with the Greenworks plugin, and I'm not quite sure what to make of it. I've got some achievements in place for Steam, and during one iteration, I was able to get them to work, but now, none of them are firing off for some reason. They work fine in Google, they work fine inherently in the app, and the code logic is the same for all three, so I'm thinking it has something to do with where I'm putting the steamapp_txt file and the Steamworks SDK dll files. I double checked the names of the achievements in Steamworks vs my code and that seems fine too. Any thoughts or input would be tremendously helpful.

    More details. You can see under the top level folder, next to the .exe is where I put the .txt file. I made sure it was saved in ANSI so there wasn't any extra characters.

    And here was where I placed the Steamworks SDK files. Everything was done in Winrar, so I was able to rename package.nw, add the files, then rename it back.

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