How do I make goomba movement?

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  • I'm trying to make SMB and I have mostly everything for the first level, I made the sprites already but I don't know how to make them move like in the original. If someone could help with this I would be happy!


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  • I made a tutorial a while back on Platform enemies walking back and forth without falling off edges. Maybe this will help you out!

  • I don't understand all of that, and I'm new. So I'm sorry for asking but could you make it easier?

    (That's probably a stupid question.)

  • I can try to explain it different.

    Create an Object Sprite - Goomba

    Give Goomba the Behavior Platform

    Uncheck 'Default Controls' this will remove your ability to control them with the keyboard arrows

    Now you need Code to Simulate Move Right if they are not mirrored and Move left if they are Mirrored

    Easy route to make them turn is to have 2 object s - one called 'forceMirror' another called 'forceNoMirror'. Set these both as invisible and place a 'forceMirror' on all right edges of platforms and the 'forceNoMirror' on all left edges. Now put a check for each Goomba, if overlapping 'forceMirror' Set Goomba Mirror True and another for each Goomba if overlapping 'forceNoMirror' set Goomba Mirror False.

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