Fix Wait Action Time Fluctuation

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From the Asset Store
Time rewind like in "Braid". Choose objects that will be affected by time rewind
  • I have found that whenever a wait action is involved, it's timing will fluctuate if you do not actually have the game window open. Is there a way to fix this so that it is always accurate?

  • By "not actually open" I mean, if you alt+tabbed to a different window, not minimization.

  • I need to know this because I loop my music a certain way, and that breaks because of this.

  • When you tab away from the game, the game is suspended (paused) to save battery life and system resources. It shouldn't affect wait timing though.

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  • When you tab away from the game, the game is suspended (paused) to save battery life and system resources. It shouldn't affect wait timing though.

    It doesn't seem to become suspended, as the audio and code is still running while it's off screen.

  • So I have found two things.

    1. I had it set to not pause on unfocus during previews, which is why it wasn't suspending when tabbing out.
    2. While messing with things, I found that it wasn't the wait action at all, but rather the the audio itself.

    The audio lags behind if the computer is experiencing lag. This breaks the timings, because the audio ends early.

    This also occurs if the game resumes after pausing.

    I'm still unsure of how to fix the audio itself breaking, but I can now say it's not the wait action.

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