How do I fix this Platform slope/jump problem?

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  • I just encountered this issue where when I start a jump on a slope, the engine still responds as if I'm still jumping, probably because Vector Y is still growing, but is this a known issue? am I doing something wrong?

    note: My jump is me setting Vector Y and not simulating jump. I need it to work this way because I have to reset jumps in walljumps, and the normal simulate jump doesnt have a "reset" like double jumps do.


  • This is the super simple line that jumps.

    note: When I use "simulate jump" the issue is not present.

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  • I was able to fix it with this line, but I'm still thinking if it should be considered a bug? I mean, technically I am jumping, and I'm touching the floor, but the engine doesn't even recognize I'm touching the floor when it goes up the slope like that.

    As you can see, I changed the tracking line to recognize "on floor", but it goes up the slope thinking its not on the floor.

  • I was able to find the issue. With low "Jump strength" values, the issue occurs, but when I set it to the same value as the Vector Y I'm manually inputing, then the slopes start recognizing landings again.

    I'm currently posting this as a bug in the github repo.

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