How do I fix issue in which gamers are unable to purchase add-ons in-game on Xbox?

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  • How do I fix issue in which gamers are unable to purchase add-ons in-game on Xbox? It seems I have everything set correctly. Anything I'm missing?

    (WindowsStore plugin Test mode set to No, XboxLive plugin has correct Title ID and SCID, and Xbox Live Creators Title set to Yes, I correctly reference the correct product ID names set in Microsoft Partner Center dashboard, I ensure game signs user in at title screen, sets presence, requests profile info, and requests store listing before every purchase prompt, I install correct NuGet package for Xbox Live services in Visual Studio, I set versions to 10.0.14393.0.)

    (I wanted to create a free title that's based on add-ons, including the possibility of future add-ons, but if I can't get add-on purchases to work (Microsoft support also provides very limited help, I already tried, and I read the entire documentation they gave me on the subject, but I have to depend on Construct and Visual Studio handling everything correctly) then my only option may be to also come out with a paid version of the title that contains all existing add-ons thus far, but where does that leave me if I come out with future add-ons? Sure I can up the price each time to account for the increased amount of content, but if I can't figure out add-on purchasing, then everyone who gets the full edition of the game early on would also get all future add-ons/updates for free, as they already own the product, which looks like the way I'd have to go.)

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